Doctor References

“Having worked with Dr. Ordonez for over 10 years on very difficult and complex TMD patients I have seen him consistently obtain excellent results. His training at Tufts with Dr. Mehta, treatment philosophy, vast knowledge on occlusion and understanding the…

Dental Implant Courses

Live Surgeries and Hands-On Workshops at Miami Implants Live Computer-based treatment planning has led to quantum leaps in the art and science of implant dentistry. Clinicians can now make more accurate implant placements than ever before. After completing the course,…

Refer a TMJ Patient

As you know, many of the patients you treat may present this type of disorder due to different factors that include stress (anxiety and or depression), malocclusion, trauma and parafunctional habits like clenching and bruxism. Additional factors include poor body…


Dr. Ordonez is a trained expert and professor on Temporomandibular disorders, dental occlusion and Orofacial Pain. He was trained at the Gelb Craniomandibular and Orofacial pain Center at Tufts University in Boston, Ma By Noshir Mehta, Albert Forgione and Harold Gelb.…