Implant Restorations

Losing teeth can be devastating for dental health, and it is generally caused by other harrowing dental concerns. An uneven or incomplete bite can be even more damaging to a bite and a smile, which is why replacing lost teeth is so important. There are several solutions that can be considered when replacing lost teeth, and dental implant restorations are one of them. Dental implants are the closest thing to real teeth. Many people with implants claim that they feel and perform more like real teeth than other options like bridges or dentures. This is because dental implants are surgically attached to the jawbone, allowing patients to eat and speak with the same confidence they did with a completely natural smile.

Dental implant restorations do require some surgery, so not all interested patients may be eligible. An implant dentist can evaluate an individual’s dental health to determine whether they are capable of supporting implants and can begin prepping for the necessary procedure. Implants are set into place with titanium posts that act as artificial tooth roots. Once implanted, these posts actually meld with the bone during the healing process. This is known as osseointegration and it is what firmly secures the artificial tooth to the jawbone. Once the implant is set in place, the custom-made artificial teeth can be placed into the posts to create a seamless new smile.

The artificial tooth or dental crown placed into the anchored posts can be designed to match remaining teeth in order to look as natural as possible. Dental implants may require repair or general maintenance with time and use, just like real teeth, as they are subject to wear and tear over time – but overall, they will look and feel like real teeth. Dental implant restorations can be used to replace all teeth, many teeth, or a few teeth – it all depends on the patient’s needs.