What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ consists of a number of problems involving the teeth, muscles, ligaments, and bones of the skull or joints that prevent your jaw’s movement from functioning correctly. The most common causes of TMJ are trauma to the face and jaw, clenching, grinding, missing teeth and stress (Anxiety and/or Depression).

TMJ symptoms are multiple and varied ranging from pain in the head to a sensation of weakness of the arm and leg muscles.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of TMD and Facial Pain:

  • Headaches, particularly present upon awakening
  • Pain in the neck
  • Tenderness of the jaw muscles
  • Pain in or around the ear, temples, or cheeks that often spreads to the face
  • Clicking, popping or grating sounds when opening or closing the mouth
  • Pain or difficulty in chewing, yawning or opening wide
  • Jaws that “get stuck” or “lock”

Jaws that regularly feel stiff, tired, or tight

  • Unexplained tooth aches
  • Earache or pain when no infection is present
  • Dizziness

TMJ symptoms can be very frustrating. Patients suffering from TMJ have not found relief from their primary care providers or other specialists so they have had to learn to live with it. Dr. Ordonez provides individual and precise treatment plans that most often eliminate their pain.

Dr. Ordonez is a Graduate Research Fellow in the treatment of TMJ Disorders, Orofacial pain and pain management from Tuft University. Throughout his years of experience he has gain recognition among colleagues and patients for his dedication, commitment and excellent treatment results. At our office we use the latest diagnostic, preventive and restorative technology in the treatment of pain associated with misaligned tooth and TMJ disorders (Bite Analysis).