Crown in One day with Cerec 3D

Cerec 3D

Cerec is a revolutionary computerized technology that fabricates beautiful ceramic restorations (inlays, onlays and crowns) in one visit! Save time out of your busy schedule. In addition to this, the use of Cerec means no impressions of your teeth taken, fewer needles and less drilling. If you need your restoration today, Cerec is the way to go.

The Cerec 3D allows dentists to provide patients with new ceramic crowns, onlays, veneers and fillings in just one visit. No temporaries that fall, no second visit. The Cerec 3D saves time, pain and anesthetic needles.

The Cerec 3D uses CAD/CAM technology which incorporates a camera, a computer and a milling machine in one device. After taking the picture of the damaged tooth, the image is processed by the computer and the dentist uses CAD technology to design the restoration. Then in about one hour, the Cerec 3D creates the new restoration that the dentist will bond to the old tooth.