You’ve heard it said, “Getting old is not for sissies.” Yes, perhaps you’re a bit rickety when you start your morning workout. Okay, your tennis game has slowed down some. But, here’s some good news. As we age, we…
Category: Uncategorized
Dental Implants… Why Are They Costly?
There’s no denying it. When some patients begin contemplating a dental implant, cost can be a major worry. I often hear, “Doctor, why do dental implants cost so much?” Let me assure you, when you evaluate the long term benefits…
Don’t let stains sabotage your smile
We all know coffee, tea and red wine can significantly stain our pearly whites. Don’t worry – far be it from me to ask you to give up your morning joe or favorite vintage! Instead, let’s investigate how to minimize…
Alcoholic drinks can shake up your oral health
While it’s no surprise red wine can stain your teeth, let’s take a moment to see the surprising ways an occasional drink – or products you’d never think contained alcohol – can impact your oral health. HOW ALCOHOL AFFECTS YOUR…
Dental Implants…How Costly Are They?
Ask any of your Florida friends and family about the cost of dental implants and no two stories will be alike. From Fort Lauderdale to Miami, fees seem to vary wildly. If an implant seems to be in your future,…
Some Words of Wisdom…. About Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction
You’ve just heard these words: “It’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed.” What do you do? Panic? Be terrified? Fret about the pain and agony? Not everyone develops wisdom teeth, (which usually appear between the ages of 17 and…
Put that Glass Down… and read this
Nearly 80 years ago, marketing giant Coca Cola introduced their slogan “The Pause That Refreshes.” That line has certainly proved its staying power, but does Coke have staining power on your teeth? Before you pour your next glass, take a…
Isn’t Deep Cleaning For People Who NEVER Visit the Hygienist?
You brush your teeth morning and evening. You floss. You get your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. So, why in the world is your dentist suggesting a deep cleaning? Isn’t that for someone who is neglectful of proper dental…
What Could Cause A Dental Implant Failure
To borrow a phrase from your favorite realtor, “Location, Location, Location.” Yes, location is a critical element when I’m beginning the process of your dental implant. Simply stated, the causes of early implant failures are influenced by your overall medical…
Be An Involved Participant in Your Dental Health
To maximize your dental health, don’t just show up for your next appointment, sit back, open your mouth wide and zone out. To achieve your best possible smile, let me know if anything has changed in your mouth and/or what…